Don’t let pain sideline you! Physiotherapy offers a safe and effective way to heal from sports injuries and regain your mobility and strength.

I specialise in treating musculoskeletal problems affecting structures like joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and nerves. Injuries can arise from a specific incident, like twisting an ankle while walking or dislocating a shoulder in a skiing injury. Alternatively, they can develop gradually from overuse, for example, attempting to run too far too soon before your body is properly conditioned.

While people most commonly seek physiotherapy after an injury or experiencing pain, I can also help prevent future issues by identifying underlying physical weaknesses. By addressing these, you can significantly reduce your risk of injury, particularly if you’re planning to take up a new sport or exercise regime.

Therefore, whether you’re experiencing pain from prolonged desk work, a sports injury, or simply want to improve your overall physical condition and performance, I’m here to help you achieve your goals.

I Treat a Wide Range of Injuries

  • Ankle sprains
  • Knee injuries (ACL tears, meniscus tears, etc.)
  • Shoulder injuries (rotator cuff tears, bursitis, etc.)
  • Back and Neck pain
  • Muscle strains and tears
  • Tendinitis
  • Ligament sprains
  • Overuse injuries
  • Rehabilitation Following Surgery or Fractures
  • Pre- and Post-Natal Care / Pelvic Floor Related Problems
  • Running Injuries

What to Expect?

1. Biomechanical Assessment

Everybody is different, and understanding your biomechanical strengths and weaknesses could be key to unlocking your performance potential. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or committed athlete, I’ll work with you to monitor your body’s unique structure to help you. I will discuss your injury history, symptoms, goals, and lifestyle. A physical examination will be performed to assess your range of motion, strength, and any underlying issues.

Prevent Injury: Identify any underlying imbalances that could lead to future problems.

Maximise Performance: Optimise your movement patterns for peak efficiency and power.

2.Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment, I will develop a personalised treatment plan, tailored to your specific needs and goals. This plan may include:

  • Manual therapy techniques
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Modalities (ultrasound, electrical stimulation)
  • Education on proper movement and injury prevention strategies

3.Tracking Your Rehab

I’ll closely monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed to ensure you’re on track for a successful recovery.

4.Ongoing Support

My goal is to empower you to manage your injury and prevent future problems. I’ll provide ongoing support and guidance to help you maintain your gains and stay active.

A scene from a physio therapy room

Insurance Referrals


Registered Bodies